| Izrafel ABE ATENTATOR (Pathos delle Querce Nere
& Izrafel Maya di Altobello)
15.03.2007 | |
| | - Youth Champion of Russia,
- Youth Champion of Belarus,
- Youth Champion of Russian Doberman Club,
- Grand Champion of Russia
- Grand Champion of Ukraina
- Grand Champion of Romania,
- Grand Champion of Belarus
- Champion of RKF,
- Champion Russian Doberman Club,
- Champion of Russia
- Champion of Ukraina
- Champion of Romania,
- Champion of Macedonia,
- Champion of Montenegro,
- Champion of Bulgaria,
- Champion of Belarus,
- Champion of Lithuania
- Champion of Balkan countries
- 2хBest Baby,
- 7хJCAC
- 6хBest Junior,
- 16хCAC,
- 7хBest Male,
- 5хBOB,